Ford will delay production of new three-row electric vehicles in North America

Ford will delay production of new three row electric vehicles in

(Finance) – Ford Motorsan American automotive giant, declared that will delay the launch of upcoming electric vehicles at its Oakville, Ontario, assembly plantwhile continuing to build an advanced industrial system to produce its next-generation electric vehicles, including greenfield construction and the conversion of existing assembly plants.
In particular, he announced that preparations are continuing for the launch of the brand new models on the market Ford three-row electric vehicles at the Oakville, Ontario, assembly complex the company said will be rescheduled from 2025 to 2027. The additional time will allow the consumer three-row electric vehicle market to develop further and allow Ford to take advantage of emerging battery technology, with the goal of offering customers longer life and better value.

Additionally, Ford plans to begin customer deliveries of the new truck In the 2026 and gradually increase production to ensure quality.

“As the No. 2 electric vehicle brand in the United States for the past two years, we are committed to expanding a profitable electric vehicle business, using capital wisely and bringing the right gas, hybrid and all-electric vehicles to market at the right time – said the CEO Jim Farley – Our revolutionary next-generation electric vehicles will be new from the ground up and fully software-enabled, with constantly improving digital experiences and a multitude of potential services.”
