Forced to leave Robinson immediately – gets the whole team against him

Already in the premiere episode, we see how a participant is forced to leave “Robinson”.
In Lag nord, the participants must vote for which of the two they want to keep – where one of them does not get a single vote.
– I
no one chose her, it felt heavy to have to see that, says one of the participants from Lag syd.

“Robinson” is starting a new season! This time, the girls compete against the boys, and immediately after the team division, the teammates are pitted against each other. The competition consists of succeeding in picking a blood symbol, and two are left without.

What happens later is that the team will vote out one of the two, who will have to leave Robinson outright. In Lag nord, which consists of the girls, it is Zayera Khan and Hanna Danemyr who are at risk of leaving. And when the voting is done, everyone in the team has chosen to cast their vote to keep Hanna.

Brutal, thinks one of the guys.

– The girls’ voting was brutal, no one chose her. It felt heavy to have to see it, I felt so sorry for her, says Kemo Samateh after sitting on the sidelines and watching the girls cast their votes one by one.

Zayera Khan: “It’s very snobby”

Zayera has different theories as to why it turned out the way it did.

– I don’t know if the team has discussed the voting before. It could also be a majority decision, that some might change their mind at the last second. Maybe you don’t want to stand out, because then there will be trouble in the team then, I suspect, says Zayera.

– Being the first woman to leave Lag nord… honestly, I had some hopes of staying until the end. So it’s very snobbish, she continues.

Hanna, on the other hand, is relieved.

– I didn’t think I would get them all, so it was very overwhelming, says Hanna.

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In a desolate place, the participants fight in spectacular competitions and against the forces of nature in the hope of taking home half a million kroner.
