“For warning Eriksen I look like the bad guy in the movie…”

Official Eriksen to Brentford AScom

A few hours ago one of the best news in the world of football was confirmed, the return of Christian Eriksen. It is now official that the Danish midfielder, who was retired from the pitch after collapsing in the Euro last summer, is playing again.

But not everyone celebrates it. There is a former player who is worried about what could happen to the new Brentford player. Muamba, the former Bolton player, went through a similar episode in his active days and decided to make the decision to say goodbye. For this reason, he does not tend to what has led the former Inter soccer player to return.

“If you talk to the doctors, they tell you that his health is safe, but deep down there will always be a risk”


“No one is happier than me to see Christian Eriksen return to the field. I wish him all the best, all the luck in the world, I hope everything is fine. But the best hope is that he is safe. He is so brave, so humble and I can only wish him the best. Worried? Of course. Looks like I’m the bad guy for breaking bad news, And it is not like that. I’m only worried about him, nothing more. If you talk to the doctors, they tell you that his health is safe, but deep down there will always be a risk. I just hope everything goes well, for him and his family,” he began his explanation.

“I’d like to talk, find out what’s going through your head…”


“It doesn’t matter how many minutes he plays, five, ten or half an hour, my only concern is that he stays alive. That’s all I want. I’d like to sit down and talk to him, have a conversation. He is so brave and I’d like to talk, find out what’s going through his head. I contacted his agent, but he never responded. I’m sure the time will come when we can talk, Eriksen and I,” Muamba admitted.
