For the true Game of Thrones finale, George RR Martin needs exactly 20 years

For the true Game of Thrones finale George RR Martin

Author George RR Martin is known for providing constant updates on his A Song of Ice and Fire book series. According to his latest statement is the sixth volume The Winds of Winter is 75 percent complete.

The catch is that he’s been writing it for 12 (!) years. And it’s only the penultimate book of the saga that series fans know as Game of Thrones. So 75 percent in 12 years – what do we do with these numbers? We create the most precise forecastever for the release of Winds of Winter.

George RR Martin needs 20 more years for the Game of Thrones book finale

With the 7th season of Game of Thrones, the series caught up with its original book in 2017 and George RR Martin is still writing this novel. An incredible 12 years have passed since he 2010 the first The Winds of Winter update gave. Again and again his flow of writing was interrupted by other projects.

Two months ago, Martin announced that he would no longer be providing updates at all, writes Gizmodo. There is too much speculation about what he works on and how much. Now he has this However, updated and in a live stream for the publisher Penguin Random House announced that he wrote three quarters of the book:

It is a challenging book. It is probably longer than any other book in this series. A Dance with Dragons and A Storm of Swords are the two longest books in the series and they had around 1500 pages of manuscript. I think this will be longer when I’m done with this and I think I’ve got about three quarters done.

It is a simple calculation: If George RR Martin takes 12 years to do 75 percent of the book, then it will take another 4 years to complete. That makes a total of 16 years for a book. Provided that the industrious author starts straight away with the last volume in the series, A Dream of Spring, we’ll hold in exactly 20 years the book end of Game of Thrones in hands.

According to George RR Martin, it could take even longer

Our calculation is quite tight. As Martin himself emphasizes, the paperwork alone is not enough:

And of course my friends here at Penguin Random House also have to be considered when I deliver this monstrous book, which itself is the size of a dragon. Will you want to persuade me to do it split into two volumes?

The good news is that George RR Martin’s latest update looks with a lot of confidence to an actual release of The Winds of Winter within a few years. However, when and if we can actually buy A Dream of Spring hot off the press in stores still requires many, many updates.

In the podcast we talk about the Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon

We accompany the successful prelude to Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, with our live streams, which you can also listen to as podcasts:

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How long do you think George RR Martin needs for The Winds of Winter?
