For the start of the school year, forget the snooze function of your alarm clock and get up immediately. here’s why

For the start of the school year forget the snooze

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    According to recent research, waking up several times doesn’t bring much benefit, but does affect your sleep quality and stresses your heart.

    With the recovery, many of us are grabbing a few extra minutes of sleep when we wake up, and many are pressing the snooze function of our alarm. A welcome respite, but a wrong, according to several sleep experts, whose research was compiled by the daily West France. What does this research say? That delaying your alarm clock leads to confusion and impacts the health of your heart.

    A confused awakening, and a bad night on the clock

    Unexpectedly, the snooze function of your alarm clock would not allow you to recover. On the contrary, according to experts at Sleep Clinic Services in Brisbane, by accumulating awakenings and short periods of drowsiness and the mixed messages (“wake up”, “no, go back to sleep”, “now, wake up” …), the brain is disoriented. Experts indicate that using the snooze would prolong the natural transition period between sleeping and waking: usually lasting 15 to 30 minutes, this can reach up to 4 hours of awkwardness and confusion when waking up. are staggered. As much as on a bad night, even if this one was enough. The effect is therefore not very pleasant.

    Consult a doctor online for your sleep disorders

    The heart is also alarmed

    Added to this is a slightly more alarming consequence, according to the Center for Human Sleep Science, University of California, since the snooze function would be bad for the heart. Your alarm wakes you with a jolt and therefore literally alarms your heart. But the snooze function repeats that aggression “as if alarming your heart, literally alarming it, wasn’t enough, the snooze function repeatedly attacks it over a very short period of time,” says Matthew Walker, professor at the University of California in the lines of The Independent. An effect that is never ideal for people who experience heart problems.

    How to wake up well?

    Aren’t you in the morning? However, there are good habits that will allow you to wake up better.

    • Avoid caffeine, overly rich meals, and sports before bedtime;
    • Keep your alarm away from your bed to avoid the snooze reflex and force you to get up;
    • Also keep screens away;
    • Set your alarm clock 10 minutes earlier, so you have time to emerge without rushing.
