For the freedom of Olivier Dubois the French hostage in the world since April 8, 2021

A few months before the French and Malian presidential elections, the family and friends of Olivier Dubois, a French journalist who has been held hostage in Mali since 8/04/21, are calling for a citizen’s mobilization to urge the heads of state of these two nations to make Olivier the priority of these two states and obtain his release.

Did you know that?

Today, Olivier Dubois is the ONLY FRENCH HOSTAGE HELD IN THE WORLD at the hands of an armed jihadist group in the Sahel, since April 8th 2021. Born in Paris and a journalist, Olivier is a 47-year-old son, brother, friend and father, correspondent in Mali since 2015. He was kidnapped in Gao on 8/04/21, while he was going to conduct an interview.

On May 5, he appeared in a disturbing 21-second video, confirming his abduction. Since then, Olivier Dubois’ mother and sisters have been confronted with the deafening silence of the authorities. We have no information and nothing from the magistrates and the National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor (PNAT). This silence is such that many French people are still unaware, to this day, that one of their compatriots has been kidnapped and is still detained. In fact, our anxieties and questions are daily, our lives are in suspense, just like Olivier’s.


Olivier Dubois is currently a victim of terrorism via kidnapping and sequestration. In 2022, while the two presidential elections will take place in France as well as in Mali and while the fight against terrorism remains at the heart of these campaigns, this silence towards Olivier is all the more astonishing.

We, his family, have been received only once by the Crisis Unit /CDCS, our registered letters and multiple requests to meet with Mr. Jean Yves Le Drian remain unanswered, and this since April 2021. At the end of December 2021, for the first time, the Presidency finally answered us, through its Chief of Staff, that “the State services are paying the greatest attention to the evolution of Olivier’s situation (…)”, an unsatisfactory answer devoid of any empathy and evading the possible actions undertaken.

This is why we are turning to you, French citizens, to help us, through your mobilization, to obtain answers. Olivier was working to inform us when he was kidnapped.
For several years, the situation on terrorism has evolved and has become a national priority. France, under the Serval and then Barkhane operations, has sent its soldiers to Mali in particular.

Following the attacks committed on French soil (Bataclan, November 13 …), during these last years, the French government has always had a clear speech concerning terrorism and its expansion: fight it at all costs. Olivier, in this context, informed us by collecting the necessary data on these subjects related to the state of terrorism and on the countries which manufacture it and/or undergo it.

Its liberation must therefore be a national priority.

The fight against terrorism is everyone’s duty. Faced with this silence of French republic, mother, sisters, close family and friends of Olivier Dubois turn to you.
We appeal to YOUR mobilization. The liberation of Olivier Dubois must be a priority of the French and Malian states.

To French President Emmanuel Macron and Mali’s Transitional President Assimi Goïta, the release of Olivier Dubois must be YOUR PRIORITY. Olivier’s family cannot be left without any information from the French and Malian states. When the events of November 13, among others, took place, the French population unanimously condemned these attacks. Many citizens took to the streets to say NO to these inhuman acts. This is why we are asking French people to Africans to be signatories of this petition to free Olivier, who is a French victim of terrorism abroad.

Today the release of Olivier Dubois is urgent. Sign this petition.

Contact : Family Olivier Dubois Journalist

Twitter : Family Olivier Dubois Journalist


Email: [email protected]
