For the 75th anniversary of the “Nakba”, Mahmoud Abbas calls for the “suspension” of Israel from the UN

For the 75th anniversary of the Nakba Mahmoud Abbas calls

The President of the Palestinian Authority calls for ” suspend Israel’s membership in the United Nations “. Mahmoud Abbas spoke in New York, where the UN commemorated the 75th anniversary of the Nakba for the first time.

For the first time, thanks to a resolution passed in November, the United Nations commemorated this Monday, May 15 at its headquarters in New York, in the presence of Mr. Abbas, what the Palestinians call the “Catastrophe” (“Nakba”, in Arabic), the exodus began on May 15, 1948, the day after the proclamation of Israel’s independence.

Israel occupies the State of Palestine, confiscates its lands, and establishes Jewish settlements there. Israel submits the Palestinians to an institutionalized racism, it is apartheid. For decades, the United Nations has adopted nearly 1 000 resolutions [sur le conflit israélo-palestinien], not a single resolution was applied. Accordingly, we call on you today and formally, and in accordance with international law and legality, to compel Israel to abide by United Nations resolutions [qui condamnent toutes ces violations]or to suspend Israel’s membership in the UN “, declared, in a speech of one hour, the president of the Palestinian Authority.

We ask you today and officially, and in application of international law and legality, to compel Israel to respect the resolutions of the United Nations [qui condamnent toutes ces violations]or to suspend Israel’s membership in the UN…

Palestinian President Abbas calls for Israel’s suspension from the UN

Mr. Abbas, whose “State of Palestine” has observer status at the UN, spoke Arabic at a special session of the Committee for the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, where dozens of ambassadors to the United Nations.

Israel’s representative, Gilad Erdan, had written to his counterparts in other member countries urging them to ” do not participate “at this meeting” appalling ” And ” repugnant “. According to its foreign ministry, 32 states, including the United States, Canada, Ukraine and ten from the European Union, were absent.

For her part, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs and Peacebuilding, Rosemary DiCarlo, reaffirmed the clear position of the United Nations: the occupation must end ” because she is ” illegal under international law “.

In a very offensive speech, Mr. Abbas also attacked the powers “ colonial “, what would be ” Great Britain and the United States which bear a direct, political and moral responsibility in the “Nakba” “. Because, castigated the leader, the “catastrophe” suffered by the Palestinians ” did not begin in 1948 and did not cease after that date. Israel, the occupying power, continues its occupation and aggression against the Palestinian people, continues to deny this “Nakba” and rejects international resolutions on the return of Palestinian refugees “.

The UN estimates that the 1948 Palestinians still alive and their descendants represent around 5.9 million refugees would be distributed between the occupied West Bank, the Gaza Strip, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

(And with AFP)
