In France, tens of thousands of people are again in the street this Tuesday, March 28 for the 10th day of mobilization against the pension reform. A day marked by the outstretched hand of the unions calling for “mediation”, however rejected by the government.
Five days after the previous mobilization – which was historic and marked by clashes between demonstrators and the police – the demonstrators are once again giving voice on Tuesday to make their rejection of the pension reform.
In Paris, according to the CGT, 450,000 people demonstrated in the capital, against 800,000 last Thursday, the first national demonstration following the use of 49-3 by the government. This Tuesday, the procession left the Place de la République in the middle of the afternoon to reach, 1h30 later, the Place de la Nation in peace.
five thousand five hundred police are deployed to supervise him (and 13 000 throughout France). At 3 p.m., more than 6,000 checks took place and 18 people were arrested.
Before the Parisian mobilization, blockades and other actions took place. For example, hundreds of railway workers blocked the Gare de Lyon on Tuesday morning, in tribute to “ Seb “, A railroad worker stunned during the demonstration on Thursday, March 23.
“ Determination is still important »
In the rest of France, mobilization seemed to be marking time. The first figures from the authorities and the unions attested to a declining participation, as in Tarbes (5 000 to 15 000), Nice (3 700 to 25 000) or Clermont-Ferrand (11 000 to 40 000).
“ The movement does not run out of steam “, However, said from the Auvergne city the leader of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, judging” the still strong determination to demand the withdrawal of the reform and its flagship measure : the postponement of the legal retirement age from 62 to 64 years.
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Before the demonstrations, the secretary general of the CFDT, Laurent Berger, had called on Tuesday the executive to set up a “mediation” For “ find a way out to the social crisis. A request which will be the subject of a letter from the inter-union to the President of the Republic.
► Read also : Pensions: the executive declines the CFDT’s “mediation” proposal
“ We take Laurent Berger’s proposal to talk to each other, but directly. No need for mediation “, assured the spokesman of the government, Olivier Véran, during the report of the Council of Ministers. ” It will begin to be enough, the ends of inadmissibility to discussion and dialogue […] It is unbearable that the answer is an end of non-receipt “, reacted the union leader. The government’s response is an arm of honor “, estimated for his part the first secretary of the Socialist Party, Oliver Faure.