For security reasons, the Iran International chain closes its London office

For security reasons the Iran International chain closes its London

Iran International closes its London office. The satellite television channel, broadcast in Persian, became known for its coverage, among other things, of the demonstrations that have shaken Iran since September and the death of Mahsa Amini, from abroad, to escape the regime. His reporters in London would no longer be safe.

With our correspondent in London, Emeline Wine

Iran International TV closes unwillingly » his studios in London, due to a « significant escalation in state-sponsored threats from Iran.

These threats reach such a point that private television indicates that it is no longer able to guarantee the safety of its employees. The London police have also advised Iran International to leave the United Kingdom.

The channel will continue to broadcast continuously from its offices in Washington, USA.

Tehran considers the Persian-language channel, launched in 2017, to be a terrorist organization and its London headquarters had been under heavy police protection since November.

The director, Mahmood Enayat, said on Saturday: Let’s be clear: this is a threat not only to our broadcaster, but also to the general British public. »

The BBC also denounces the harassment and threats to which its service in Persian has been subjected since the beginning of the movement in Iran.

Over the past year, London police and British intelligence have thwarted fifteen attempts to kidnap or murder British residents perceived as threats by Tehran.

►Also read: In the United Kingdom, resurgence of pirate attacks targeting civil society
