For over a week, many NRJ Mobile subscribers have been experiencing technical issues, including with customer service. Faced with criticism, Bouygues Telecom, the owner of the virtual operator, promises to resolve the problem.

For over a week many NRJ Mobile subscribers have been

For over a week, many NRJ Mobile subscribers have been experiencing technical issues, including with customer service. Faced with criticism, Bouygues Telecom, the owner of the virtual operator, promises to resolve the problem.

A very complicated start to the school year. For several days now, NRJ Mobile customers have been facing various technical problems when making calls or connecting from abroad. Worse still, some people who recently subscribed to an offer from the operator have encountered great difficulty simply activating their network online. This is particularly the case for Sarah, a new customer who complained, during an exchange with UFC-Que Choisirservices offered by the mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) acquired by Bouygues Telecom in December 2020. “The SIM card I ordered arrived quickly, but for 15 days I have not been able to activate it,” she regretted.

On social networks, criticism is flying and many Internet users have not hesitated to point out NRJ Mobile’s poor management. “Is there no way to do something about all the bugs on your site? Unable to activate the SIM card, unable to reach you by phone, unable to get an answer on the chat… We need to get our asses moving a bit, right?” wrote one furious follower on X (formerly Twitter).

NRJ Mobile: customer service impacted by technical problems

Indeed, customers have not only encountered difficulties with their SIM card or the NRJ Mobile network, but also with customer service. For almost two weeks, many users have not been able to connect to their online customer area, or even simply contact a telephone advisor, whether by telephone, on social networks or via the dedicated chat. A situation that is all the more complex since some customers, annoyed by the recent problems, are unable to cancel their subscription given that they have no contact with the operator. On NRJ Mobile’s Facebook and Instagram accounts, negative reviews and comments are increasingly numerous, particularly under commercial publications. So much so that the operator is rated less and less well on review sites such as Trustpilot, where it has reached a historically low score of 1.3 out of 5.

For its part, Bouygues Telecom explained that these recurring breakdowns were caused by a renovation of its information system. “This may have caused some occasional disruptions, particularly in access to the customer area, delivery and activation times or even the reachability of customer service, but most of the incidents have been resolved and our teams are working to resolve the remaining ones.”indicated the company, contacted by Que Choisir.
