for Macron, the urgency of getting back to the front line

Clap of end of 48 hours of an intense diplomatic sequence: NATO, G7, European Council, Emmanuel Macron was in Brussels, again far from the French electoral campaign. The Head of State wants to return to the arena to relaunch a constantly interrupted campaign on the ground.

President as he should, candidate when he can. This is the formula used by Emmanuel Macron’s entourage to justify this dotted campaign, interrupted by repeated international summits and phone calls to Vladimir Putin.

Supporters of Emmanuel Macron campaign in his place, but they sometimes struggle to defend the program. Example: the conditioning of the RSA to fifteen hours of activity. Macronists contradict each other in the media on the details of a measure that does not achieve consensus. “ The objective needs to be clarified “, we underestimate in the entourage of the head of state.

Fears around the rise of Marine Le Pen

Not everything is going as planned and in the presidential camp, there are concerns about the rise of the National Rally candidate Marine Le Pen in the polls and a possible demobilization of Macronist voters in the first but also in the second round.

For the candidate, it is therefore urgent to go back to the front line. ” To win, you have to convince “, we insist in the entourage of the candidate-president.

Emmanuel Macron will therefore give a new interview this Sunday March 27, he will go to the field next week to be more in contact with the French, and he will hold a large meeting on Saturday April 2 near Paris in front of 30,000 people, his only meeting of countryside.

