For less than 15 euros there are 6 ingenious co-op shooters that your friends can finally play together again

Are you hungry for co-op action with your friends? 6 great games are available for little money that will keep you entertained for days.

Are you and your friends just a bit bored from your current games, is the MMORPG out of breath or has the evergreen ever gotten boring somehow? Then maybe it’s time to venture into a new co-op shooter together and try something new. But it shouldn’t be an expensive investment – especially not when three or four people have to spend the money.

Exactly for these problems there is now a Humble Bundle that contains 6 great co-op shooters: The “Fight 4 Your Friends” bundle.

What’s in Bundle? A total of 6 different shooters in which you hunt zombies, infected people, monsters or aliens together. These include some major titles from recent years:

  • Back4Blood: The “unofficial” successor to Left 4 Dead 2 convinces with highly customizable characters and a high replay value, since the zombies (“Ridden”) have different reinforcements each time.
  • Warhammer: Vermintide 2: Vermintide puts you in the Warhammer universe, where you and three friends have to defeat the Skaven and the Chaos army.
  • Killing Floor 2: Anyone who likes a good portion of splatter and wants to compete in groups of up to 6 players in co-op or PvP will get their money’s worth in Killing Floor 2. You have to like brutal action without a break and many bursting bodies of the nasty “Zed”.
  • The Anacruisis: Your spaceship is stranded with three friends at the edge of the galaxy and aliens want to see what can be done with you – an exciting fight for survival for 4 friends and there is also great mod support for more adjustments.
  • Zombie Army Trilogy: If you like it a bit more bizarre, you can use the Zombie Army co-op classics. In World War II, the Germans unleash one last superweapon: undead soldiers, who now threaten all of Europe.
  • Zombie Army 4: Zombie Army 4 follows the trilogy and is the latest installment in the series.
  • As usual, by purchasing the bundle from Humble Bundle you also support a non-profit organization – this time the two environmental organizations “Trees, Water & People” and “Coral Guardian”.

    What does the bundle cost? The exact price of the bundle for all 6 games is subject to small changes throughout. At the time of this writing, the price is €13.75 – so quite affordable. For comparison: If you were to buy the games individually at their original price, you would have to put almost 220 € on the table – excluding special offers.

    In return, you get a nice package of co-op titles that can at least keep you entertained for a few hours after work. And who knows: maybe you’ll find a new pearl among them that you’ll play more regularly with your friends.

    The bundle is on offer until May 5, 2023 – so you have enough time to secure the game hits.

    The MeinMMO demon Cortyn, for example, swears by Back 4 Blood: The game had changed drastically after the launch and became really good.
