For home helps, the lack of foreign workers is worrying

For home helps the lack of foreign workers is worrying

On the eve of the second round of the legislative elections, the National Rally (RN) is still leading the polls and could come to power for the first time. Would several sectors of activity, already under pressure regarding the labor issue, resist a reduction in migratory flows? Several personal assistance companies have expressed their concern, recalling that they are already suffering from a lack of personnel.

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Renée, 95, is very dependent. If she can still live at home in her apartment in north-east Paris, it is because dozens of people, caregivers and home helps, like Olga, take turns at her bedside.

I have many people who help me in the morning to get up, then to wash, in the afternoon to change, in the evening to go to bed, lists Renee. Do you remember, Olga? Almost all of them are from Cameroon ” she said. Mostly women, most of them immigrants. “ Out of 30, maybe one or two French women ” she says.

For our children »

Olga, 35, is Moldovan. She arrived in France in 2016. Since I came here, I work every day. ” Olga tries to reassure herself, but the political climate worries her. “ If I understood correctly, people who are in order, who respect the law, who pay taxes, they will not be affected. I hope that it will be like that, as they say, that we will be able to stay here, because we came here for our children, to give them a better life. ” she explains.

Because if they take everything away, there’s no one left to care for them. “, adds Renée. According to INSEE in Île-de-France, six out of ten home helps are immigrants.

Read alsoYouth mobilization, geography of voting: what lessons can be learned from the first round of legislative elections in France?
