“For his return, it’s up to Charles Blé Goudé to decide”

For his return its up to Charles Ble Goude to

Charles Blé Goudé has his passport, it seems to me that this is the most important thing, this is what is essential and I have not stopped telling you during these various reports from the Council of Ministers, each time the question was put to me, that Charles Blé Goudé would have his passport, it was just a question of administrative slowness. I see with you that he got his passport, he is happy about it. As for his return, it is now up to Charles Blé Goudé to decide. You will remember that in April, it was April 7, 2021 during the Council of Ministers, the Head of State said that Mr. Laurent Gbagbo and Mr. Charles Blé Goudé could return to Côte d’Ivoire whenever they wanted. Laurent Gbagbo has returned. Maybe ask Charles Blé Goudé when he’s coming home. He had his passport, for us that was essential and we never doubted that he would have his passport.

Amadou Coulibaly, government spokesperson
