For healthy and fast growing hair, don’t look far for a solution! Grows hair and boosts libido

For healthy and fast growing hair dont look far for

You don’t need to spend dozens of money and use different treatments and serums on your hair to grow hair. According to experts; Here are 10 foods you should eat to grow healthy hair! Prepare your shopping list so that it will be good for your body and your hair will be like your dreams. Here’s what you should eat for healthy hair.


Packed with omega-3s, salmon helps keep your hair shiny. Our bodies do not produce these healthy fats naturally, so it is very important to make sure you get them from food and supplements.

Omega-3s not only keep your hair shiny, but also help it grow and fill it.


Protein is one of the most important nutrients you should get while growing your hair.

Vitamin B5 is a component of yogurt that helps blood flow to the scalp, leading to hair growth.

Another benefit of this vitamin is that it can help your hair look lush and voluminous by preventing thinning of hair.


Spinach is packed with many essential nutrients, including vitamin A, iron, beta, carotene, folate, and vitamin C.

All these nutrients together promote a healthy scalp and even healthier hair as this keeps the strands full of moisture and works to prevent breakage.


This tropical fruit is also packed with vitamin C, which helps prevent your hair from breaking.

In one cup of guava, you can consume more than 377 milligrams of this vitamin, which is four times the daily recommended amount.


The fortified grain is rich in vitamins, especially iron, and can be great for your hair.


The same is true for pasta, grains, soybeans, and lentils. If your hair is shedding in a way that you cannot prevent, you should first measure your iron ratio. Iron deficiency causes hair loss.

CHICKEN AND turkey meat

Deficiency of protein leads to lack of hair growth.

To prevent hair loss, you need to make sure you eat lean poultry like chicken or turkey.


Sweet potatoes will help revitalize your hair.

Your body converts the antioxidant beta carotene found in sweet potatoes into vitamin A, which helps protect against dry and dull hair. This vitamin A also forces your scalp to produce sebum, an oil that prevents your hair from drying out.

Other foods that contain carotenes include orange vegetables such as cantaloupe, mango, pumpkin or carrot.


Season your favorite foods with cinnamon to help you have a little more healthy hair.


Cinnamon nourishes your hair follicles and aids blood circulation, which helps bring oxygen.


Increase your protein and iron intake by eating eggs every day.

Eggs are rich in biotin, a nutrient that promotes hair growth and also strengthens nails.


If you’re not getting enough zinc in your diet, you’re likely to experience shedding not just from your scalp but from your eyelashes as well. Hair producing cells need zinc. Zinc can also be found in crab, lobster, fortified cereal, and beef.


Oysters increase libido

It is said that Casanova, who is seen as the most famous womanizer in history, ate 50 oysters for breakfast. Oysters are also one of the foods that increase libido in men. It shows that zinc can help treat male infertility and improve sperm quality.

A California woman who hasn’t washed her hair for six years also said that a big part of keeping her hair healthy is in the nutritious foods you eat.
