For Hanouna, a powerful man is responsible for the closure of C8, he has nothing to do with Arch

For Hanouna a powerful man is responsible for the closure

Guest of Pascal Praud this Monday, March 3 on CNews, Cyril Hanouna accused a political figure to be behind the TNT frequency from C8.

For Cyril Hanounait is certain: the non-renewal of the TNT frequency of the C8 channel, on which it officiated so far, was “not a decision of the Arch”, the authority for regulating audiovisual and digital communication. Guest on the set of The time of pros de Pascal Praud, on CNews, this Monday, March 3, 2025, the star presenter of TPMP estimated that “when [le patron de l’Arcom] Order a well -cooked baguette, he is already trembling “. For him, he will therefore” not say alone, we will stop C8 “.

Intrigued, Pascal Praud then questioned: “Does that mean that it is Emmanuel Macron?” Cyril Hanouna retorted from TAC to TAC: “Of course! You believe that it is then, is it my mother?” The host of Touche not at my post Then continued: “Of course yes, it was Emmanuel Macron. Everyone tells me that he was not aware. If he was not aware, it’s like, in my box, I was not aware of what was going on.” And Cyril Hanouna to theorize: “At least, what happened […] is that Roch-Olivier Maistre [président de l’Arcom jusqu’à début février ndlr.] called Emmanuel Macron to say to him: ‘I’m going to remove C8’. And Emmanuel Macron said to him, ‘If it’s your decision, there is no problem. “

“Not to the arbitrariness, neither of a minister nor of the president”

At the end of February, the President of the Republic had assured that he was in no way in the decision of the Arch. “The law was conceived so that it is not a political decision: it is not in the arbitrariness, neither of a minister nor of the president, to open or close a chain,” he recalled. Emmanuel Macron had also stressed that the channels were to respond to specifications and that the “law is applied by an authority that looks at”. Evoking a “occupation of the public domain”, the head of state had simply judged “normal that there is an authorization”. Since Friday, February 28, the C8 and NRJ12 channels have disappeared from TNT. Their last appeal had been officially rejected on Wednesday, February 19 by the Council of State, which had therefore validated the decision of the Arcom.
