for associations, the assessment of the three years of the Grenelle of domestic violence is mixed

for associations the assessment of the three years of the

The French Ministry of the Interior has identified 121 feminicides for the year 2021, or one every three days. And this Friday, September 2 marked the 3rd anniversary of the Grenelle of domestic violence, launched in 2019. The government has announced a series of measures such as the creation of 10,000 places in accommodation for victims, and the strengthening of police personnel. But, it was above all an opportunity for associations and relatives of victims of feminicide to take stock.

Today, we have all the legal arsenal to protect a woman who is the victim of violence; now, it’s the implementation that fails. »

Sandrine Bouchait is president of theNational Union of Femicide Families and author of the book She leaves him, he kills herin which she recounts her fight after the assassination of her sister by her ex-spouse.

For her, the assessment after these three years of the government Grenelle on domestic violence is mixed: “ Many announcements have been made, many laws have been changed and that’s good. Now justice is much too slow. Among the women I work with, the judgment sometimes takes place between a year and a year and a half after the fact, and that’s not normal, because the gentleman, during this time, has plenty of time to go and kill his wife. »

► To read also: France: Domestic violence, getting out of hell

Quicker penalties

For Sandrine Bouchait, the solution to drastically reduce domestic violence would be to actually punish their perpetrators. ” If the perpetrators are already systematically (prohibited) in the marital home, placed in homes at their expense, we will touch their wallets, and then we will force them to seek treatment, and that will dissuade more a “, she continues.

The last major priority for all the associations is to help with the psychological reconstruction of families and children, broken by this violence.

► To read also: Domestic violence in France: Minister Delegate Moreno takes stock
