for 2023, XI Jinping calls for effort and unity in the face of Covid-19

for 2023 XI Jinping calls for effort and unity in

The light of hope is ahead of us “, said Saturday, December 31, Chinese President Xi Jinping in his traditional New Year’s address. Wishes in a China crossed by the most severe wave of Covid-19 that the country has known.

With our correspondent in Beijing, Stephane Lagarde

A library, the red and gold flag and a painting of the great wall in the background. For the second time in less than a week, the Chinese president returned to the Omicron surge which is making megalopolises sick, saturating hospitals and crematoriums and emptying pharmacies.

Monday, December 26, the general secretary of the CCP had called for measures to be taken “ to effectively protect the life of the people “. Priority has always been given to human life and the health of citizens, says Xi Jinping, after the Chinese found themselves on their own overnight during the abrupt abandonment of health measures at the start of the month. A 180 degree turn in the epidemic policy justified by the Head of State.

The fight against Covid-19 has entered a new phase which still requires constant work. If each of us perseveres in the effort, hope is in front of us. Let’s redouble our efforts, because perseverance and solidarity will lead us to victory he says.

China has pursued stable economic development »

This resilience applies to the economy. Here again, Xi Jinping wants to be reassuring, while Chinese growth slumps: “ China remained he said, the world’s second largest economy and has pursued stable economic development. » « Hope is also youth “, adds in substance the head of state, who prefers to insist on the achievements rather than on the unemployment of the young people for example.

The Winter Olympics, the 20th CPC Congress, the completion of the International Space Station, the launch of a third aircraft carrier, the debut of China’s first C919 commercial aircraft… The phrase “Zero Covid” and deaths from viral pneumonia do not appear in the address, as indeed in state media.

In 2020, after twelve months of epidemic battle, the president had judged the year ” extraordinary ». It’s hard to be so optimistic this time, as the epidemic continues to rage: “The China of tomorrow will be a China where the effort creates the miracle “, insists the Chinese president. On the other hand, a rare thing: without directly mentioning the demonstrations at the end of November against health restrictions, Xi Jinping recognizes that “ in a country as big as China, it is natural that everyone has different aspirations and points of view “. But for immediately, call for unity behind the party.
