FOPE, in the first half of the year revenues amounted to 29.6 million

Riba Mundo double digit growth in quarterly revenues

(Finance) – FOPEan Italian goldsmith company, a protagonist in the high-end jewelery sector, closed the first half of the year with net revenues equal to Euro 29.6 million, down 14.5% compared to the 34.7 million at 30 June 2023.

EBITDA stands at Euro 3.7 million, -59% compared to 1H 2023 (Euro 9.1 million). The EBITDA margin is equal to 12.5%, compared to 26.2% in 1H 2023.

THE’EBIT is equal to Euro 2.4 million, -70% compared to Euro 8.1 million in 1H 2023, after depreciation of Euro 1.3 million, an increase compared to Euro 1.0 million in 1H 2023.

The Pre-tax result is equal to Euro 2.3 million, -70% compared to Euro 7.7 million in 1H 2023, after financial charges of Euro 171 thousand (Euro 387 thousand in 1H 2023). THE’Net Profit for the period stands at Euro 1.6 million, -72% compared to Euro 5.6 million in 1H 2023, after taxes of Euro 0.7 million (Euro 2.1 million in 1H 2023).

There Net Financial Position is equal to Euro 4.3 million, compared to Euro 30 thousand at 31 December 2023.

“Based on management’s expectations for the 2024 financial year, we read in the accounting note, a positive economic result is estimated. The results of the first months following the end of the half-year confirm these forecasts and, consequently, the aforementioned expectations”.
