footballer Marcus Thuram calls for “fighting so that the RN does not pass”

footballer Marcus Thuram calls for fighting so that the RN

The political crisis in France has hit the Blues’ Euro campaign head-on. Two days before the entry into the running of the vice-world champions at Euro-2024 against Austria, and while the early legislative elections are to be held on June 30 and July 7, Marcus Thuram, a player of the French team came out of its reserve.

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With our special correspondent in Düsseldorf, Antoine Grognet

This is a rare, even unprecedented statement in the French team. And that it comes from the son of Lilian Thuram, a former French international, himself very involved in the fight against racism and discrimination, is ultimately not so surprising. Marcus Thuram is very direct when discussing the legislative elections: “ I learned this [le résultat des Européennes et la dissolution de l’Assemblée, NDLR] after the match against Canada. And we were all a little shocked in the locker room. I think this is the sad reality of our society today. I think there are messages that are conveyed every day on TV to help this party pass. I think we have to fight on a daily basis so that this does not happen again and that the RN does not pass. »

Blues normally cautious on political subjects

A position which stands out especially among the Blues who are usually reluctant to express themselves on political subjects. Like their coach Didier Deschamps, who always avoided speaking out, even in the midst of the accusations of racism to which he was the subject. Blues whose reluctance in Qatar on the issue of LGBT rights had been criticized.

But in an exceptional situation, an unusual reaction. Without going as far as Marcus Thuram, in recent days, Ousmane Dembélé had called on the French to vote, just like Olivier Giroud: “ If I have any advice to the French, it is to go and vote. An abstention rate of almost 50% is not normal. I’m not going to elaborate on my political leanings or anything. »

Blues who, however, currently exclude the idea of ​​a joint statement concerning the political situation. While the FFF asked “ avoid any form of pressure and political use of the French team “, while each of the players interviewed at a press conference ” was able to express himself freely, according to his own convictions and his own sensitivity “.

Read alsoFootball: how the Frenchman Marcus Thuram took on an “International” dimension in Italy
