Football: U21 captain Armin Gigović changes national team

– It is clear that we are disappointed, but respect Armin’s choice.

It says The Swedish Football Association’s head of football, Kim Källström about the announcement that Armin Gigović, 22, chooses to continue his national team career in Bosnia-Herzegovina and continues:

– We must respect Armin’s decision. We have had a good dialogue, we have presented what we want, but he chooses to go another way. We had hoped that our efforts would be enough

Team captain in U21

Gigović has been part of a national team gathering where he got 77 minutes of playing time in a training international against Iceland in November 2023.

But all the more prominently he has been the U21 national team where he has also worn the team captain’s armband.

– We have had conversations along the way and we must respect his choice moving forward, says the men’s national team’s national team captain Jon Dahl Tomasson.

On weekdays, Gigović plays football in Danish Midtjylland.
