Football: breathless end to the season in England as in Italy

Football breathless end to the season in England as in

In the summary of Mondial sports on Sunday: Football with the Italian championship, the Cup final between Chelsea and Liverpool, the African cups and Boxing with Tony Yoka against Martin Bakolé.


– In Italy, the two Milan are inseparable at the top of the championship. We will be live from the Lombard city with Matteo Cioffi after the 37th day.

– Very busy weekend in England too, with the Cup final between Liverpool and Chelsea, while Manchester City can slip away in the league. Philippe Auclair will tell us everything.

– Finally on the African continent, the African Cups give their verdicts. Who will play in the Champions League final? And that of the Confederation Cup? Cédric de Oliveira will be in the studio to enlighten us.


– Tony Yoka against Martin Bakole. It was the big poster this Saturday evening (May 14, 2022) at Paris-Bercy! Back on this fight of giants with Simon Bourtembourg, but also with Pascal Mwangala who followed the fight with Congolese boxing fans.

Summary subject to change depending on current events.
