Foot: Canal+ is “for the moment absolutely not interested” by the rights of the Ligue 1

Foot Canal is for the moment absolutely not interested by

Maxime Saada, the chairman of the Channel+executive board, confirmed that the group was “for the moment absolutely not interested in the rights of Ligue 1”, Tuesday March 4 during the presentation of the accounts to analysts and investors. “I can confirm that for the moment, we are absolutely not interested in the rights of the Ligue 1. I can confirm that this has a very low impact on the number of our subscribers,” said Maxime Saada during an exchange that followed with the press. “There is no reason to invest more than we have already done by distributing the Dazn and BeIN channels today (which have the rights of the L1 until 2029, editor’s note),” he said. These rights are thus available for our subscribers (…) This situation suits us very well. We do not intend to change it ”.
