Food waste: a new trick to keep pasta fresh longer!

Food waste a new trick to keep pasta fresh longer

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    Italian researchers have found a way other than adding preservatives to extend the shelf life of fresh pasta by up to 3 months. A discovery that would reduce food waste. Check out this tip.

    A preservation of fresh pasta for up to 3 months!

    Pasta is such a serious business in Italy that scientists have looked into the question of its composition in order to extend its shelf life. We are of course talking about tagliatelle or fresh ravioli, and not packets of dried pasta shells subject to an optimal use-by date (BBD).

    At a time when many avenues are being explored to reduce food waste – whether by removing expiry dates or by recycling food waste, these researchers have managed to keep pasta fresh for up to three months by acting at the of the recipe, but also of the packaging. Generally, fresh pasta undergoes a treatment similar to pasteurization to be preserved. Manufacturers can also add additives so that they can be kept longer in the fridge.

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    A scientific study on pasta

    For this study published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology, who used trofie (twisted pasta), the research involved adding strains of probiotics to maintain the taste quality of the pasta longer. The growth of bacteria was actually inhibited by the presence of these live microorganisms.

    Usually, they are found naturally in our intestines. When the intestinal flora is damaged, for example when taking antibiotics, food supplements are offered in pharmacies, unless you prefer foods that contain them, such as kimchi or miso. However, in the case of this Italian research, it is not the only use of probiotics that has proven effective. It is rather the combination of these micro-organisms with the use of a new packaging process.

    Scientists have changed the ratio of gases used to form this modified atmosphere packaging. The principle is simple: eliminate oxygen. Specifically, they increased the rate of carbon dioxide and lowered the presence of nitrogen.
