Food scandals: several families file a complaint for compensation

Food scandals several families file a complaint for compensation

  • News
  • Published on 04/19/2022 at 1:02 p.m.,

    Reading 2 mins.

    Buitoni, Kinder… The health scandals follow one another and have in common legal action. Indeed, the families of the victims are turning more and more often to lawyers to file a complaint and become a civil party in order to obtain compensation, via the courts.

    The past few weeks have been marked by several health scandals. Widely consumed foods such as Buitoni pizzas or Kinder chocolates have been recalled due to suspected contamination with E.Coli and Salmonella bacteria. Many families of victims testify and now want to take legal action.

    Recall of facts

    As of April 13, 53 confirmed cases have been identified. For 26 other cases of haemolytic-uraemic syndrome and infections Escherichia coli producers of shigatoxins notified to Public Health France, investigations are ongoing“explains the latest report from the public health authority. In question? The consumption of Fraich’Up pizzas from the Buitoni brand contaminated with E. Coli bacteria, which also allegedly caused the death of two children.

    A few days later, it was Kinder chocolates from the giant Ferrero that entered the sights of the health authorities. Batches of chocolates were withdrawn from sale in stores late due to the presence of salmonella. For the moment, 21 cases of salmonellosis infection have been identified, in 11 regions of France and more than 150 cases in Europe. According to the Ministry of Health, “the median age of the victims is 4 years old and there are 11 boys and 10 girls. Eight of them were hospitalized and all returned home..

    Factory closures

    Following these contaminations, measures were taken. On April 5, the prefect of the North announced the ban on pizza production at the Buitoni factory in Caudry and its immediate closure until further notice. On April 8, the Belgian authorities also closed the Kinder chocolate factory in Arlon.

    Legal action will be taken

    Many people, including children, have therefore suffered from serious food poisoning. Questioned by Doctissimo, Maître Richard Legrand, lawyer at the Paris Bar, explains that he was asked to defend around fifteen cases in connection with the Buitoni pizza affair. “The objective of these people is first of all to lodge a complaint. Then, of course, they want to obtain compensation because of the serious consequences they may have suffered on their health, by becoming civil parties. explains the lawyer, who is awaiting the results of the searches carried out within the incriminated factory and in the premises of Nestlé in Issy-les-Moulineaux, near Paris.

    Waiting for the opening of a judicial investigation

    The lawyer also pleads for the opening of a judicial investigation. “We hope that an investigating judge will be appointed quickly, in order to move things forward and that the victims can obtain compensation for the physical damage suffered. It is a nationwide affair, which has affected several people, ranging from the less serious form to death since two children died. This cannot go unpunished” concludes Master Legrand.
