Fondo Italiano d’Investimento acquires the majority of Corradi and Ghisolfi

Assoreti collection down in June But the semester closes on

(Finance) – Italian Investment Fund SGRcontrolled by CDP Equity and participated by banks and foundations, has acquired a majority share in the share capital of Corradi and Ghisolfi, a leading company in Italy in the sector of design, construction and maintenance of agricultural biogas and biomethane systems. Founded in 1970 in the province of Cremona, Corradi and Ghisolfi has reported significant growth in turnover in recent years and aims to close the financial year with a turnover of more than 30 million euros.

The operation, which is expected to be completed approximately by the end of 2023, is the first created by the Italian Agri & Food Fund – FIAF, the sectoral fund dedicated to supporting the Italian agri-food supply chain. The investment – we read in a note – aims to support Corradi and Ghisolfi in strengthening the managerial structure and expanding production capacity to support the strong growth of the reference market expected in the coming years.

Paolo Corradison of the founder Ettore, will remain at the helm of the company with the appointment of CEO and President of the group, supported by his sister Chiara Corradi who will join the Board of Directors. Ettore Corradi will be appointed Honorary President of the company.

“The history, experience and know-how of Corradi and Ghisolfi, as well as the undoubted abilities demonstrated by the Corradi family in operating in this important sector, immediately represented an element of strong attraction for the Fund – he commented Pier Felice Murtas, Senior Partner of FIAF – Starting from today we will work together with the Corradi family to seize every growth opportunity, supported by current market trends, with particular regard to the biogas and biomethane sector, an area in which the company has long been among the main Italian players”.
