follow the ceremony at Place Vendôme

follow the ceremony at Place Vendome

Robert Badinter died on Friday February 9 at the age of 95. A national tribute is paid to the former Minister of Justice, father of the abolition of the death penalty, this Wednesday, February 14, Place Vendôme in Paris.

The essential

  • The announcement of the death of Robert Badinter provoked emotional reactions across the political sphere, from the left to the far right. Right away, Emmanuel Macron had announced the holding of a national tribute. This takes place this Wednesday in front of the Ministry of Justice, Place Vendôme in Paris. The arrival of the President of the Republic on site is scheduled for noon.
  • Robert Badinter’s family did not wish the presence of political representatives of the National Rally and La France insoumise. If Marine Le Pen’s party indicated that it respected this wish, La France insoumise indicated that two deputies would still be present.
  • The question of the pantheonization of Robert Badinter is also on the table. According to those close to the Elysée, Emmanuel Macron would be in favor, to the point that the idea has already been discussed with the family of the ex-minister.
  • A former lawyer, Robert Badinter entered politics in 1981 to become Minister of Justice in the government of Laurent Fabius, under the socialist presidency of François Mitterrand. He had defended and obtained the abolition of the death penalty.


10:02 – Elisabeth Badinter, the wife of the former minister, is expected at the tribute

Philosopher, feminist, Elisabeth Badinter was the wife of Robert Badinter since 1966. The 79-year-old woman has remained discreet since the death of the former Minister of Justice. She is expected at the national tribute in the company of her children and grandchildren.

09:38 – Manuel Bompard explains the presence of two LFI deputies at the tribute to Badinter

“There are times when the entire nation must be able to come together,” said the boss of the rebels on Franceinfo. According to the latter, unlike a private ceremony, “a national tribute consists of saying that the whole nation pays homage to a personality, who is considered to have had a decisive and important place”. Bompard insists on the fact that only the president of the Finance Committee of the Assembly, Eric Coquerel, and the vice-president of the Assembly Caroline Fiat will attend the ceremony: “It seems to us that their institutional role allows us to remain as part of this national tribute,” he explains.

According to the protocol for national tributes, all parliamentary leaders receive an invitation, regardless of their party and regardless of the wishes of the family of the deceased.

09:24 – Mélenchon deplores the desire of the Badinter family to exclude LFI from the tribute

“Badinter: a national tribute from which a part of the French are excluded is no longer a national tribute. The Republic is one and indivisible,” wrote Jean-Luc Mélenchon on Tuesday, after the family of the deceased made it known that they would not did not want to see LFI at the ceremony. The rebellious leader had nevertheless paid a vibrant tribute to the former socialist minister, last Saturday on poems. He reasoned while speaking and his strength of conviction was unparalleled. No matter the disagreements. I have never encountered another being of this nature. He was simply luminous.”

Robert and Elisabeth Badinter had notably criticized Jean-Luc Mélenchon for his refusal to call for Emmanuel Macron to vote in the second round of the last two presidential elections, against Marine Le Pen.

09:03 – A ceremony without the RN, but with members of LFI?

Robert Badinter’s family said on Tuesday that they wanted the National Rally and La France insoumise to be absent from the national tribute ceremony. A wish communicated by the Elysée to both parties. “The RN will not be present, the family does not wish it. We will respect this wish,” Marine Le Pen quickly responded from the Assembly. The president of the RN had nevertheless saluted the memory of Badinter on X on Saturday.

On the LFI side, on the other hand, the news was not as well accepted. “A national tribute is a national tribute. We are invited, and we will be represented there,” the party said in a statement. He will therefore be represented by the vice-president of the Assembly Caroline Fiat and by the president of the Finance Committee Éric Coquerel.

08:52 – Robert Badinter pantheonized?

Since the announcement of his death, several political figures have expressed their wish to see Robert Badinter enter the Pantheon. An idea shared by Emmanuel Macron, according to those around him. According to information from France Inter, the Élysée has already presented to the family of the former Minister of Justice the terms of pantheonization. “It is, as always, a choice that belongs to the family and only to the family,” recalls a source close to the president.

08:48 – How will the tribute ceremony to Badinter take place?

After the arrival of Emmanuel Macron at noon, Robert Badinter’s coffin will be carried to the Ministry of Justice, to music. The Head of State will then deliver a speech, which will be followed by a minute of silence. The bells for the dead will ring, then the Marseillaise.

08:42 – Follow the national tribute to Robert Badinter

The national tribute ceremony to Robert Badinter will be held this Wednesday from 11 a.m. at Place Vendôme, in Paris, in front of the Ministry of Justice. Many personalities are expected to pay tribute to the memory of the socialist, considered the father of the abolition of the death penalty in France. Robert Badinter’s family is expected from 11:45 a.m. Emmanuel Macron should make his appearance at noon. Follow the ceremony live.

Learn more

“Lawyer, Minister of Justice, man for the abolition of the death penalty. Robert Badinter never stopped pleading for the Enlightenment. He was a figure of the century, a republican conscience, the French spirit.” Reacting to the announcement of the death of Robert Badinter on Friday, Emmanuel Macron immediately announced that a national tribute would be paid to him. While his entourage indicated to France Inter on Tuesday that the President of the Republic was in favor of Robert Badinter entering the Pantheon, the tribute ceremony must take place this Wednesday, February 14, 2024, Place Vendôme, in front of the Ministry of Justice.

The tribute ceremony is scheduled to begin around 11 a.m. It will be broadcast on various news channels and other radio stations. The arrival of Robert Badinter’s family, who also indicated on Tuesday that they did not wish the presence of either the National Rally or La France insoumise, is scheduled for around 11:45 a.m. The President of the Republic will make his entry immediately, around noon. This will be followed, as TF1 Info explains, by the arrival of the coffin, with background music.

Emmanuel Macron will then speak, before reflecting for a moment in front of the coffin of the man who was Keeper of the Seals, between 1981 and 1986. Note that it is possible that the Head of State will take advantage of his speech to officially announce Robert Badinter’s entry into the Pantheon. Then, a minute of silence will be respected. Finally, the bell tolls, followed by La Marseillaise, will close the ceremony.
