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On the eighteenth day of the invasion of Ukraine, Sunday March 13, Russian forces are still at the gates of Kiev, on which the noose is tightening and the offensive has extended to the large city of Dnipro. Volodymyr Zelensky spoke of a “ fundamentally different approach of Russia in its talks with the Ukrainians, during a press conference in Kiev on Saturday.

RFI’s Russian editorial site broadcasts Ukrainian public radio (in Ukrainian language) from the home page.

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The main points:

► Russian forces attempt to encircle Kiev. Further south, hospitals were targeted in Mykolaiv, the last lock before the port of Odessa. And the warning sirens sounded Saturday morning in Kharkiv, Dnipro or even Mariupol, where the bombing of a mosque was denied.

► Russian President Vladimir Putin authorized the dispatch of fighters “ volunteers », especially from Syria. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has accused Russia of hiring syrian assassins ” for ” destroy » Ukraine.

► Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz spoke with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday about the war in Ukraine, the day after the Versailles summit. For the Élysée, Vladimir Putin shows no desire to end the war in Ukraine.

► Volodymyr Zelensky spoke of a ” fundamentally different approach of Russia in its talks with the Ukrainians, during a press conference in Kyiv on Saturday. He estimated that around 1,300 Ukrainian servicemen have died since the start of the Russian attack.

► The United States and its allies have taken the escalation of sanctions a step further, by deciding to exclude Russia from the normal reciprocity regime governing world trade, which opens the way for the imposition of tariffs punitive customs officers.

Times are given in Universal Time (UT)

00:57: China takes refuge behind the principles of “sovereignty and territorial integrity” to justify its very discreet efforts in favor of a peaceful solution. She is careful not to alienate her Russian neighbour. Researcher Marc Julienne analyzes the Chinese position at the microphone of Vincent Souriau.

Asia Frequency – The Sino-Russian Understanding in the Light of the War in Ukraine

12:01 a.m.: Poland is on the front line of the Ukrainian humanitarian crisis. The major Polish cities, increasingly under pressure from this influx of refugees, are calling for help. Listen to the report of our correspondent in Warsaw, Sarah Bakaloglou

►International report – In Poland, refugees from Ukraine continue to arrive day after day
