follow his speech on the war in Ukraine

follow his speech on the war in Ukraine

MACRON SPEECH. Emmanuel Macron takes the floor this Wednesday, March 2 to share the evolution of the situation in Ukraine, the sanctions imposed against Russia and the French support given to Ukraine. It is certain that he will not formalize his candidacy for the presidential election.

20:20 – Emmanuel Macron’s speech is now over

Emmanuel Macron addressed the French during a recorded televised speech about the war in Ukraine, this Wednesday, March 2.

20:19 – The presidential campaign “must allow a democratic debate”

“This war also comes to impact our democratic life, and the campaign which officially opens at the end of this week. This campaign must allow an important democratic debate for the nation”, affirms Emmanuel Macron. “I know I can count on you, your attachment to freedom, equality, fraternity, France’s place in the world. I will never stop defending them and carrying them high in your name. Long live the Republic, long live France”, concluded the Head of State.

20:17 – A meeting in Versailles of European heads of state

“Our European defense must take a new step, which is why I will bring together the European heads of state and government in Versailles on March 10 and 11,” Emmanuel Macron announced.

20:16 – Emmanuel Macron announces an economic and social resilience plan

“France will pursue its strategy of independence and investment in its economy”, indicates the President of the Republic. An economic and social resilience plan commissioned by Emmanuel Macron. “I have asked the Prime Minister to draw up an economic and social resilience plan for the next few days to respond to all these difficulties,” announced the Head of State.

20:14 – “France will take its part” concerning refugees

“Several hundred thousand refugees from Ukraine are and will be welcomed on our continent. France will play its part”, indicates the Head of State.

20:13 – “We are not at war with Russia”

“Several hundred French soldiers arrived on Romanian soil yesterday,” said Emmanuel Macron. “We are not at war with Russia. We know what binds us to this great European people that is the Russian people.”

20:12 – Emmanuel Macron “stays in touch” with Vladimir Putin

“I will stay in contact with President Putin as much as necessary. But that does not mean we are at war with Russia, we all know what binds us to this great European people, the Russian people, who sacrificed so much during the Second World War to save Europe,” said Emmanuel Macron. “I have also chosen to stay in touch and will stay in touch as much as necessary with President Putin, to relentlessly seek to convince him to give up arms,” ​​he added.

20:10 – Sanctions against Russia listed by Emmanuel Macron

“We have taken quick and proportionate sanctions against Russia and its leaders,” said Emmanuel Macron. “The assets of several hundred Russian personalities close to power have thus been frozen in France, several large Russian banks have been excluded from international systems, making a number of transactions impossible, leading to the fall of the rouble. Russian propaganda organs have just ceased to broadcast in Europe on the ground”, lists Emmanuel Macron.

20:08 – “The international community has shown its unity”

“This very afternoon, the General Assembly of the United Nations condemned, by an overwhelming vote, this aggression. The international community has thus shown its unity”, said Emmanuel Macron after the General Assembly of the United Nations voted in for a resolution condemning Russia’s invasion and calling on it to immediately withdraw all its forces from Ukraine.

20:06 – President Vladimir Putin “chose war”

President Putin “deliberately chose war”. “There are no NATO troops or bases in Ukraine. Russia is not being attacked, it is the aggressor. (…) This war is the fruit of a spirit of revenge born of a revisionist reading of the history of Europe”, says Emmanuel Macron.

20:03 – “I address to President Volodymyr Zelenski the fraternal support of France”, declares Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron begins his speech by expressing his support for the Ukrainian president. “Russian forces are besieging the most important cities” of Ukraine. “The days to come will probably be harder and harder. Hundreds of thousands of refugees are fleeing. I address to President Volodymyr Zelenski the fraternal support of France”, he indicated.

20:01 – Emmanuel Macron begins his speech

The President of the Republic addresses the French about the war in Ukraine.

7:55 pm – Emmanuel Macron’s speech will begin

Emmanuel Macron will speak in a few minutes. The President of the Republic will discuss the Ukrainian situation in a speech broadcast this Wednesday, March 2 at 8 p.m.

19:43 – The context of Emmanuel Macron’s speech

Forced to put on his warlord costume, Emmanuel Macron is totally devoted to the Ukrainian file, chaining exchanges with stakeholders, multilateral meetings, tweets of support for Ukraine. Omnipresent on the Ukrainian file, Emmanuel Macron is sucked in by this international agenda which leaves little room for other subjects. With the Kremlin, for weeks, the head of state kept hope until the end. In Moscow on February 7, after a five-hour meeting with the master of the Kremlin, he congratulated himself on having obtained “guarantees of de-escalation” and a ceasefire in the Donbass which have never been respected. Same observation for the 30,000 Russian fighters who were to return home after ten days of exercises in Belarus: in the end, they remained on the western front of Ukraine. Thus, after his patient but vain efforts to warm the relationship with Moscow, the president has now taken up the cause of Ukraine. A role that confirms it according to the latest Ifop daily survey for LCI, Paris Match and South Radio. Credited with 28%, Emmanuel Macron, who has still not declared himself a candidate, consolidates his position as favorite. Far ahead of Marine Le Pen in second position with 16% of voting intentions.

7:25 p.m. – Macron speaks after a Defense Council

As a reminder, Emmanuel Macron’s speech comes as the Head of State convened a Defense Council on the conflict on Wednesday morning, with five ministers – Jean-Yves Le Drian (Foreign Affairs), Barbara Pompili (Ecological Transition ), Bruno Le Maire (Economy) Florence Parly (Army) and Gérald Darmanin (Interior).

