Fluffy Rango was found in the backyard and immediately became a high-ranking member of the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs | News in brief

Fluffy Rango was found in the backyard and immediately became

Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis praised the newcomer on the X message service on Friday.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania got a new, fluffy member this week, the Director of Communications of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Viktorija Urbonavičiūtė confirmed to on Friday.

According to Urbonavičiūtė, the kitten Rango was found in the backyard of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

– We repeatedly heard the cat meowing for three days, but we didn’t know where the sound was coming from.

Urbonavičiūtė says that at the beginning of the week, an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs found the cat, took it to the vet and made an announcement about adoption in the Facebook group.

However, the employee became so attached to the cat that he decided to adopt it himself.

Rango got a new home from the Department of Strategic Communications of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania.

– We told the foreign minister about the cat’s discovery and he was happy to hear about the foreign ministry’s new resident.

Foreign Minister of Lithuania Gabrielius Landsbergis praised the newcomer in the messaging service X on Friday.

– Here’s Rango. It was rescued from the backyard of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was immediately promoted to the official cat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Landsbergis wrote on social media.

A representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs says that Rango is now an official employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He even has his own insignia.

– Rango performs the position of chief mouser in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Urbonavičiūtė explains.

However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania says that there are apparently no mice in the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and that Rango is so far too small to perform his duties, so he sleeps most of the day.

Greetings from the cats of the French and British governments

The kitten was named Rangas, but for clarity it is called Rango.

Rangas is Lithuanian. The term refers to an expression used in the world of international relations for diplomatic value.

– We call it a diplomatic cat, Urbonavičiūtė laughs.

– Rango has already been greeted by its colleagues from Britain and France, says Urbonavičiūtė.

With colleagues, Urbonavičiūtė refers to a cat named Nomi who lives in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and perhaps to Britain’s most famous cat, Larry.

Cats have been adopted as members of the governments of different countries for over 200 years

The reason is simple: cats have preyed on mice nesting in buildings.

For example, the mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovyin a cat lives in the office titled Levchyk.

In the official residence of the British Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street in London, at least 12 cats have already served as chief mouse catcher.

The most famous of them is Larry the cat, which has been seen in front of the prime minister’s official residence since 2011.

Larry has witnessed the change of several British Prime Ministers and has even become a political figure loved by the nation.

Larry is so famous that a biography and a prime minister have been written about his life David Cameron mentioned Larry in his farewell speech in 2016.

Larry also has his own informal X accountwith which it comments on the world and life in Downing Street.

In 2016, a political scandal broke out in London when Larry the cat got into a fight with the black and white Palmerston cat who lived in the British Foreign Office.

Gray-striped Larry had to be patched up by the vet after being licked by Palmerston.
