Florida governor launches presidential campaign

Deeply conservative Ron DeSantis is the Republican who is considered to have the greatest opportunity to seriously challenge former President Donald Trump in the run-up to the 2024 election.

— We need the courage to lead and the strength to win, DeSantis says in the minute-long video.

As governor, DeSantis has made a name for himself for several major policy moves to the right and his efforts to make Florida a conservative “model state” — something he emphasizes in the campaign video launching his presidential campaign.

— Common sense can no longer be an uncommon virtue. In Florida, we’re proving it can be done. We choose facts over fear. Education over indoctrination. Law and order over riots and disorder.

Technical problems

The 44-year-old Republican revealed his presidential campaign in filing documents with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday night, ahead of a planned streamed conversation with Twitter owner Elon Musk at midnight Swedish time.

But the planned interview, which was to be broadcast on Twitter, initially suffered technical problems and many users were unable to follow the conversation.

Hours before the announcement, Trump wrote in a post on social media that DeSantis cannot win either the presidential election or the primary because of how he has previously voted in Congress on Social Security and Medicare.

“Republic in Name Only”

“He was and is a disciple of the horrible RINO Paul Ryan and others too numerous to mention,” writes Trump, referring to the “Republican in name only” by RINO.

“He also desperately needs a personality transplant and, as far as I know, they are not medically available yet. A disloyal person!”

The two Republicans have something in common. DeSantis, who likely would not have become Florida governor without Trump’s support, has adopted the former president’s fiery personality, his populist policies and even some of his rhetoric and mannerisms.

But: DeSantis considers himself more electable in a general election, as Trump faces several legal challenges, among other things.
