Florent Pagny: confident in the face of the evolution of his cancer, he announces a new tour

Florent Pagny confident in the face of the evolution of

Guest of the 20 Hours of TF1, this Thursday, November 16, 2023, Florent Pagny thanked those who supported him in the face of illness, promising in passing a tour for his 65th birthday, i.e. in 2026.

2023 was an incredible year for Florent Pagny. However, the singer has gone through some challenges and life has certainly not been a smooth ride. “An album, a sold-out tour, an autobiography which sold by the tens of thousands,” listed Gilles Bouleau from the outset, who interviewed the artist on the set of TF1’s 20 Heures this Thursday, November 16 2023. “It makes me experience a special adventure, but on such a special dimension. I had gotten used to something more moderate and then, suddenly, there was indeed something that boosted all that “, reacted Florent Pagny, for whom there is not the slightest doubt, 2023 “is one of [s]”he most beautiful years” and this, “paradoxically having suffered two relapses and following two treatments”.

Despite his health concerns, “there was a pure balance between gravity on one side and success on the other,” judged Florent Pagny. Today, the singer says he is “very well”. The artist also did all his exams after his last treatment and claimed to have finished his rays Thursday afternoon, before coming to the 20 Hours set. “Everything went very well and the results are great,” he assured. Enough to consider the future more calmly, with, who knows, new projects? If he remains wary of the disease, the singer intends to return to “live normally”, notably by returning to his “distant lands”. And if he wishes, for a while, to go “recharge his batteries and seek inspiration to be able to become creative again”, the singer has given his fans a new appointment: a tour for his 65th birthday, in 2026. “With, I hope, a new album,” he added.

Thank the public for their support

During his time on the set of TF1, Florent Pagny also returned to the influence that public support had in his fight against the disease. “My mission is to come and share and for thirty-five years, I have been sharing,” explained the singer for whom, in this ordeal, the public finally “returned to him, in another form, with even more love”. Today, Florent Pagny “really wanted [à] say thank you because it’s incredible”. And the singer returns to the success of his tour: “I expected the numbers that I’m used to having, between 10 to 12,000 people, I I found myself with 25 or 30,000.” A success which, we hope, will be there again in three years!
