Florence Foresti’s anxiety disorders at the heart of her Désordres series

Florence Forestis anxiety disorders at the heart of her Desordres

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    Florence Foresti spoke about her mental health and recounts her anxiety disorders, which have pursued her since childhood. In addition to talking about it, she put them at the heart of her Désordres series, whose title refers to “anxiety disorders”, in English.

    Since the pandemic, mental health is no longer something taboo. On the contrary, more and more personalities indulge in the mental pathologies that can affect them. On this October 10, World Mental Health Day, it is important to remember this.

    A series to talk about it better

    As we tell you in this article, Florence Foresti opened up on the set of C to you about the anxiety disorders she has suffered from since childhood.

    For the comedian, it is an anxiety syndrome, which can take different forms: phobias, panic disorder, generalized anxiety… Panic attacks of which she is still a victim, sometimes. ” What I wanted was to treat panic attacks, anxiety disorder and medication to relieve it, to talk to people who suffer from the same disorder and to make them feel guilty about taking care of themselves. Although we are the first consumer country of psychotropics, antidepressants, there is still a lot of taboo and guilt in going to medicine to treat depression. Me sometimes, well yes, I need antidepressants to manage to live, because life is not easy, especially at this time “, she confides to our colleagues from Progress.

    Troubles still unclear

    The idea of ​​the series comes precisely to deconstruct the ideas received on this pathology and to make it better understood. Because if they are frequent, anxiety disorders are very often misunderstood, although anxiety is common to all.

    But anxiety is sometimes a source of unusual reactions in some people: accelerated heart rate, shortness of breath, feeling of discomfort… The pathological side occurs when the crisis is disproportionate to its triggering factor.

    In the series, Florence Foresti explains to our 20-minute colleagues that she had ” want to show what it’s like to live with the fear of dying all the time “. For this, she brought to the casting an actor called La Mort, who ” sticks to the coattails all the time “.

    But beyond making fun of them, anxiety disorders must be taken care of by a professional, to treat them. Several possibilities exist, whether medicinal or psychotherapeutic. In therapy, the patient will have to confront his anxieties and deconstruct them. A long treatment that can take several months or even in some cases several years.
