Floorball WC leaves Europe: “Good for the sport”

Sweden has eight straight WC gold medals in floorball on the women’s side, and all of these championships have been decided in Europe.

Now something else is happening.

In December, a championship awaits in Singapore – the place where Sweden last failed to win a World Cup gold (2005). Despite the fact that, for Sweden, it means a big time change, the feeling is positive that the World Cup will now be played far from Europe.

— We want floorball to become bigger in every possible way. It’s our sport that we love to perform and live in. It’s only favorable if it gets bigger in the world – and it’s really cool that Singapore gets to host this WC, says defender Moa Tschöp.

Moa Tschöp is once again in Sweden’s World Cup squad. At a lecture when the phone rang

She is one of the 20 players who have been selected in Sweden’s World Cup squad and an experienced cog who knows what it feels like to be the best in the world. One who has not experienced this is Thorengruppen’s Nellie Öhgren, who is one of the squad’s four WC debutants.

A week ago, she was sitting in a lecture at school when the union captain Åsa Karlsson called.

“Unfortunately, I couldn’t go out then.” So I asked if I could call when I got home. Then I knew that I would get a message, either a reserve or that I would be with them. So it was a bit nervous…

— But I called up and she told me that I was there. So I was incredibly happy, she says.

Unlike Tschöp, she was at the World Cup preparatory camp that was held in Singapore this summer. There, Öhgren was met by an extremely enthusiastic home crowd.

— We played an international match against Singapore and as soon as they crossed half-field all the fans from Singapore screamed. It sounded like a lot. I know they are passionate about floorball and that they want it to grow. So I think there will be a good atmosphere, says Öhgren.

Åsa Karlsson makes his last World Cup as national team captain. Makes his last World Cup as national team captain

The great interest continued even after the match.

— Then everyone came and wanted autographs and to take pictures. It’s been a long time since you felt like a star. But they really appreciated us taking the time to do it.

The WC in Singapore will be Åsa Karlsson’s last with Sweden. During her time at the helm, there have only been gold medals. All on European soil.

— It’s always fun to get outside of Europe. It will of course be a challenge, with the time change, among other things. But I think it is good for the sport in general that it is not only held in Europe, she says.

The WC will be played from December 2-10 in Singapore. In the group, Sweden is pitted against Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland. Four WC debutants are in the Swedish squad: Goalkeeper Lovisa Hedin, backs Jonna Stenvall and Nellie Öhgren and forward Hanna Nordstrand.
