Flooding in central Karlskrona – cars stand with water up to the doorstep

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According to the Karlskrona municipality’s staff on site, it is supposed to be a water pipe that has broken, but that they have not yet located the leak.

The emergency services are on site and are assisting the municipality with help.

– What I am doing now is to contact vehicle owners and property owners who may have been affected, says Joakim Månsson, rescue leader on site.

One of the car owners that SVT spoke to at the scene says that he does not know what to do.

– If I open the car door, the water will flow in, so I can’t move it.

Karlskrona municipality writes on its website that there is low or no pressure in water taps on Trossö, Saltö and Björkholmen.

The text is updated.
