One of London’s longest-running pizza restaurants is closing its doors after more than four decades of operation.
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Muldoon’s Pizza, a staple in the city’s Westmount neighborhood for 42 years, has announced that the business is shutting down. No reason for the closing was provided and an auction of equipment set for Monday suggests it is immediate.
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“It has been an honor to serve the London Westmount community and we are forever grateful for everyone’s continued support over the years,” the owners wrote in their announcement.
The unexpected closing sparked a flood of nostalgic comments on social media, with many Londoners past and present expressing sadness over the end of Muldoon’s.
“I’m so sad to hear this. You provided my family and I with our favorite pizza during so many of our get-togethers and celebrations over the past 27 years,” one person wrote.
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Added another: “So sorry to hear this. Absolutely our favorite pizza in London and among the best anywhere.”
Located in a plaza along Wonderland Road, like most small businesses it became an institution in the lives of nearby residents, a fact reflected in some of the feedback on its closing.
“We moved to Westmount in 1986. Enjoyed going to Muldoon’s every Friday night for pizza. Our son worked there for several years,” one person wrote. “We moved away in 2009 but every time we came back to London we stopped in for pizza.”
As a part of the closure, Muldoon’s is auctioning off equipment and supplies. The auction page went live Monday, and will end on Oct. 23 at 11 am Auctioned items range from tables to kitchen appliances and cabinets.
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