Floderu’s first words after release

After the prisoner exchange with Iran, Swedes Johan Floderus and Saeed Azizi landed at home in Sweden on Saturday.

During the flight home, Johan Floderus was called by Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson.

– I’m literally in the sky and I really feel emotionally like I’m in seventh heaven. I have been waiting for this for almost 800 days, says Floderus on speaker phone with the prime minister in a film clip from the government office.

“It is fantastic”

He says that he has dreamed several times about this particular day and that in the dream he has had to pinch himself in the arm.

– Only to then wake up on that damn concrete floor, he continues.

But on the flight home it started to sink in, he tells the prime minister.

– Yes, it’s fantastic, answers Ulf Kristersson.

The Swedes were exchanged for the life-sentenced Iranian executioner Hamid Noury, who has been imprisoned in Sweden since 2019.
