Flex housing in Utrecht delayed again, but there is no one culprit

Flex housing in Utrecht delayed again but there is no

Where will the temporary homes be located?

On the Pagelaan in the Utrecht Hooggraven district, the municipality hopes to convert container homes into flex homes, around 280. Nearby, 135 homes should be built on the Befu site. Although the municipality previously hoped to build 250 temporary homes there. In the Lunetten district, 200 more homes should be built in the ‘Tussen de rails’ area, 100 fewer than expected. 500 homes were planned to be built on Wetering-Zuid in Leidsche Rijn, but that will increase to 149 because the St. Antonius hospital needs the land sooner than expected. There are still 35 temporary homes planned in the Utrecht Overvecht district. And in 2025, the municipality hopes to build around 250 temporary homes at the Science Park, but that option has yet to be explored with the University.
