Flesh-eating bacteria alarm in Japan! The number of cases is at a record level: Kills within 48 hours

Flesh eating bacteria alarm in Japan The number of cases is

In the statement made by the National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID), it was stated that the number of STSS cases in the country reached 977 as of the beginning of June this year. It was stated that 941 cases were seen in the same period of 2023, thus the number of cases reached a “record level” since 1999, when records began to be kept.

It has been reported that the disease is caused by the “streptococcus pyogenes” bacteria and is often associated with sore throat, and may subsequently lead to limb necrosis and multiple organ failure.

It was reported that cases of infection caused by more lethal and contagious types of bacteria are increasingly reported, especially in the Kanto region centered in the capital Tokyo.

It was stated that there is concern about the increase in the number of cases since the spring of 2023, when Covid-19 measures were eased.


Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Takemi Keizo told reporters regarding NIID’s statement, pointing out the importance of implementing basic infection precautions and saying, “We believe it is necessary to continue monitoring infection trends.” said.

Infectious Diseases Specialist Prof. from Tokyo Women’s Medical University. Dr. Kikuchi Ken also stated that foot wounds are especially sensitive to streptococcal bacterial infection.


Describing small wounds such as blisters and athlete’s foot as “possible entry points” for the bacteria, Kikuçi pointed out that in elderly patients, the time from infection to death may be 48 hours.

Stating that high fever accompanied by delirium and rapid swelling of the wounds are dangerous signs, Kikuçi emphasized that medical help should be sought immediately in such a situation.

Kikuçi said, “As soon as the patient notices swelling on his foot in the morning, it may expand to his knee by noon and die within 48 hours.” he said.


Mie National Hospital President Taniguchi Kiyosu, in his statement in May, stated that the entry of the bacteria in question into the body “could lead to dramatic consequences” and called for disinfection of wounds and increased hand washing measures.

STSS, caused by “flesh-eating” bacteria, which is mostly seen in people around the age of 30, is described as “potentially fatal”.


This content was published by Devrim Karadağ

