Flash statement from Trump! “We are closer than ever to World War 3”

Flash statement from Trump We are closer than ever to

Donald Trump, who served as the 45th President of the United States between 2017 and 2021, stands as the strongest candidate against current US President Joe Biden. While it is known that Biden is behind in many election polls, Trump continues his election campaign without slowing down.


The aggressive policy choice adopted by Trump during his presidency continues unchanged in today’s election campaigns.

At a rally in the state of Iowa for the 2024 Presidential elections, Trump said, “We are closer than ever to World War III.”

Thinking that this war will bring great destruction, Trump said, “I will keep you out of this war in a stronger way, not by becoming weak like in Afghanistan.” said.


At the rally he held, Trump stated that he would directly address the Russia-Ukraine war when he took office and said, “I will solve the war between Russia and Ukraine in a short time.” said.
