Flash mission on emergencies: will the 41 proposals convince?

Flash mission on emergencies will the 41 proposals convince

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    The flash mission commissioned by the President of the Republic from Dr François Braun was handed over to the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne. It contains 41 proposals to overcome the difficult summer that awaits the emergency services and the public hospital in general.

    As promised for the end of June, the report of the flash mission requested by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron from Dr François Braun, hospital practitioner at the CHU of Metz and president of Samu-Urgences de France, has been delivered.

    More than 40 measures for the summer

    The sixty-page document was presented to Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne during a working meeting yesterday, Thursday June 30, in the presence of the Minister of Health Brigitte Bourguignon, representatives of Health Insurance and of the federation of patient associations France Assos Santé.

    A final version will have to be set according to Elisabeth Borne’s choices for the hospital, in order to “facilitate the management of this high-risk summer period“. And try to save the crisis that is looming there with the arrival of summer.

    Reductions in activity in many services

    Since the end of May, no less than 120 emergency services have been forced to reduce their activity or are preparing for it. Large university hospitals such as the CHUs of Grenoble, Toulouse or Bordeaux, are obliged to restrict access to emergencies, for lack of sufficient personnel.

    To try to remedy this situation, the report recommends “regulating admissions” with “paramedical triage at the entrance” or “systematic prior medical regulation” of the Samu, by telephone.

    Loss of chances and avoidable deaths

    For Dr Christophe Prudhomme, emergency doctor at Samu 93, the situation is “discouraging”. “This report is not the work of a doctor but of a political relay, we are in a situation where the population is endangered” he hammers. “IIt must be said strongly: we are in a situation where there will be deaths, pregnant women will be asked to go to another maternity ward if theirs is not open, this will create a real loss of chances by default of means for many patients” the doctor is still indignant.

    A lack of beds and staff

    What also angers Dr. Christophe Prudhomme is that the situation is not new. “Since 2019, we have been alerting public authorities to the collapse of the hospital. If we had been listened to at that time, caregivers and nurses could have been trained and be operational today” he adds.

    We are now short of staff and we are constantly closing beds too, when we are already short of them, we are heading straight for the destruction of the public hospital“.

    Finally, Christophe Prudhomme denounces certain measures presented in the report which, according to him, do not work: “On-call medical homes do not relieve the emergency room. We see it in Aulnay-sous-bois, they receive a lot of people but this has had absolutely no impact on emergency room attendance. We are facing measures that will only make the situation worse.”.
