Flash development in TRNC! The new government was formed…

Flash development in TRNC The new government was formed…

As a result of the crisis between the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance in the TRNC, the coalition government resigned. According to the last minute developments, the coalition government consisting of the National Unity Party (UBP), the Democrat Party (DP) and the Rebirth Party (YDP) in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) was formed under the chairmanship of UBP Chairman Faiz Sucuoğlu.

Presenting the cabinet list to President Ersin Tatar, Sucuoğlu then made evaluations to the members of the press.

Sucuoğlu noted that the names he presented were approved by President Tatar, and then read the names in the cabinet of the 39th government of the TRNC.

The names in the cabinet are as follows:

“Prime Minister Faiz Sucuoğlu, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Environment Fikri Ataoğlu, Minister of Public Works and Transport Erhan Arıklı, Minister of Foreign Affairs Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu, Minister of Finance Olgun Amcaoğlu, Minister of Interior Ünal Üstel, Minister of National Education Nazım Çavuşoğlu, Economy and Energy Minister Kutlu Evren, Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources Dursun Oğuz, Minister of Health Ali Pilli, Minister of Labor and Social Security Hasan Taçoy.

Sucuoğlu wished “good luck” for the new cabinet.

Prime Minister Sucuoğlu was tasked with forming the government by President Tatar on 22 April.


On April 19, Prime Minister Sucuoğlu sent a written request to President Tatar of the 38th government to dismiss Sunat Atun, the Minister of Finance. On the same day that Tatar evaluated this decision, Sucuoğlu submitted the government’s resignation.

Speaking after his meeting with Sucuoğlu on April 20, Tatar stated that he accepted the resignation of the previous UBP-DP-YDP coalition government.

The UBP-DP-YDP coalition government, which is the 38th government in the TRNC, was established on February 21.


In the early general elections held on 23 January in the TRNC, UBP finished first with 39.54 percent.

The Republican Turkish Party (CTP) received 32.4 percent, the DP 7.41 percent, the YDP 6.39 percent, and the People’s Party (HP) 6.68 percent.

According to these results, UBP got 24 seats, CTP 18, DP 3, HP 3, YDP 2 seats in the Republican Assembly of 50 people.

