Flags of Russia and the Soviet Union have been raised in Kherson, local tells EPN – Ukraine: Russia is planning a fake referendum

Flags of Russia and the Soviet Union have been raised

Les in Kherson says Russia is accelerating the Russification of the city. Ukrainian authorities warn that Russia may try to hold a false referendum before the May 9 celebration, which is important for Moscow.

The city of Kherson in the south of Ukraine has lived in a dichotomous reality for weeks.

Russian soldiers arriving through the Crimea occupied the city at the outset of the war, but the city administration remained in Ukraine’s hands and was allowed to continue working – with the exception of the police.

In the early weeks of the occupation, the occupier even allowed demonstrations in support of Ukraine in the city center.

But now the situation is changing. The city is being Russianized in a new gear, the local one in Kherson Les tells over the phone.

– Tickets started to be exchanged last week, Les says.

does not publish his last name due to the security threat posed by the occupation.

The flags of Ukraine have been replaced by the flags of Russia

Les says that the Ukrainian emblems in the city have been destroyed by street signs and the Ukrainian flags have been replaced by Russians.

In previous weeks of occupation, the Ukrainian flag was still allowed to fly in the office buildings, even though Russian soldiers were already patrolling the streets.

The flag of Ukraine has not been replaced by the Russian flag alone. In Kherson Park of Honor (Park Slavi), a red flag with the symbols of the Soviet Union has been drawn on the flagpole.

– Some local went down, but now the flag is up again, Les says.

At the beginning of the war, Les decided to stay home with his wife in Kherson. The elementary school daughter had time to be sent to safety before Russian troops flocked to the city right at the start of the war.

Now Les has changed his mind. He plans to escape with his wife and more this week.

They fear that the Russianization of the city will not be left to exchange tickets.

Russia is suspected of holding false referendums

Les believes that even before the significant day of victory for Russia on May 9, Kherson will be tried to secede from Ukraine by a referendum.

– They want to take over Kherson calmly so they can use it in their propaganda, Les says.

The Russian public is likely to want to show some kind of victory on Victory Day.

Representative for Human Rights in Ukraine Lyudmila Denisova has previously warned the UN that Russia is preparing for an illegal referendum in Kherson.

According to Denisova, eyewitnesses have said that the ballot papers have been printed.

Russia plans to close exits and telecommunications from Kherson during the “referendum” on 1-10. May.

On Thursday, Ukrainian authorities said Russia was trying to hold a false referendum in Kherson on April 27th.

According to Ukraine, Russia’s goal is to declare Kherson a “people’s republic”, as it did in the 2014 war in Donetsk and Luhansk.

Military intelligence in Ukraine reiterated warning of preparations for a fake referendum on its Telegram channel on Tuesday.

Discipline in Kherson has tightened

Les says Russian soldiers have already tightened discipline in the city of Kherson. Demonstrations on behalf of Ukraine are no longer allowed.

Ukrainian television channels were blocked right from the start of the occupation. Russian channels are no longer visible in Kherson.

Now there are fears that Russia is trying to block the activities of Ukrainian telephone operators and will be replaced by a Russian mobile network – with Russian restrictions.

– So far, the Ukrainian network is working, Les says.

He and his wife have remained largely at home since the occupation began. According to him, Russian soldiers are looking for journalists, police officers and veterans of the Ukrainian army with lists of names.

Several people are reportedly abducted by Russian forces in the city of Kherson and its environs. In small villages in the Kherson region, the situation is even more difficult. There is a shortage of medicines and food.

In Kherson, it is clearly difficult for the occupier to find any kind of support.

Les talks about an individual pro-Russian attempt to hold a pro-Russian demonstration. The company dried up because there were few supporters.

– It seemed that it was also organized only for propaganda to the Russians, Les says.
