Five-year-old girl bitten in the face by dog ​​- refuses to leave home

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It was around 5pm on September 25 that a five-year-old girl was playing outside her home in London with her sister and some friends.

The mother of the girl saw the children playing in the yard, when the neighbour’s dog, a Staffordshire bull terrier, was suddenly let loose – without a leash or a muzzle, writes the Mirror.

The girl fell and was bitten in the face

The dog immediately attacked the playing children, who fled. But the five-year-old girl fell, whereupon the dog bit her in the face.

The mother rushed out and picked up her daughter, while the Staffordshire bull terrier continued to jump after the girl.

– There was blood everywhere and her face had an open wound, says the mother.

The girl was taken to hospital seriously injured, but survived.

Don’t want to go out

After the attack, she has had to undergo several major operations on her face, and has more to come.

The five-year-old is severely traumatized both from the incident, and how the injuries affected her appearance.

– She doesn’t want to go out, and especially take public transport, because she doesn’t want people to stare at her. She hasn’t gone back to school since then because she doesn’t want her friends to see her like this, the mother added Mirror and continues:

– It has been a disaster for the whole family. My partner, our children, are all in therapy. We are all severely traumatized.
