Five uses of a stock image for your creative and marketing tasks

Five uses of a stock image for your creative and

Are you looking for visuals for your website or a creative project? Discover the royalty-free photo banks below and find out how HD images can boost your business proposals.

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A single image can convey the value and characteristics of your brand. Businesses spend thousands of dollars to achieve outstanding HD photos to improve customer retention and sales. But what should the start-up or small businesses that don’t have the resources to photograph their products?

Image banks, market spaces for stock content, offer thematic, royalty-free photos that may be suitable for your commercial or personal projects. With an image bank like, you can get eye-catching visuals without spending time or effort.silver to find a photographer. Read on to learn about royalty-free stock photos and how they can benefit your projects.

Images from a photo bank?

The photography commercial is generally made up of high quality thematic images that professional and amateur creators sell on specialized photo banks, stock photo marketplaces. These stock photos are not specially designed for a single client. Instead, they are distributed to multiple customers under the right of use. A company can simply buy photos online for commercial use.

Image banks and other content offer different licensing terms. For example, you can obtain a photo under an editorial license, which means that you can only use it to illustrate printed materials and digitalbut not for marketing campaigns or other commercial purposes.

Is it possible to use free royalty-free images for commercial use?

Image banks offer free photos for use in commercial and personal projects. However, their use may be limited by additional requirements that may vary by platform. In most cases, you must mention the author or source of the uploaded image. This option may therefore be unsuitable for commercial projects that seek uniqueness.

For unrestricted use of stock photos, consider purchasing a specific subscription or extended license. Stock content platforms offer different price plans, some with a fixed number of downloads available, depending on the particular conditions of the source.

Where to use royalty-free photos?

High-quality photo banks have millions of thematic royalty-free images, this allows you to easily find visuals that will adapt to your commercial projects. Creative and marketing agencies appreciate the unlimited reuse of stock photos and even purchase entire collections of visuals to incorporate into current or future projects. Find out how and where you can use royalty-free stock images below:

  • Web design projects

Before starting to work on a project, designers design several prototypes and mockups to present their ideas to clients. Companies can in this way choose the visuals of the website orapps the most suitable. Some designers provide minimalist prototypes without images, icons or text, so their clients don’t understand what the final projects will look like. To clarify your vision and improve your chances of participating in the design, use stock photos at the preview or preview stage.

When working with small businesses, web designers may also run into situations where clients don’t provide them with any photos to use in a project. In this case, using images from an image bank is a good solution. When a business starts to profit from its business, it makes sense to ask for unique content for promotion.

  • eCommerce Product Descriptions

Online stores often lack high-quality product images because manufacturers either don’t provide them or their photos are simply unattractive. Start-up businesses should consider using stock photos for their websites, so they don’t have to worry about finding a photographer and can focus on their core business of attracting customers and generating profits. They can add images to product listings and visually showcase the features and ways to use their products.

  • Business presentations

During a presentation, images always grab the audience’s attention. You should therefore, to present your ideas and brighten up your business presentation, opt for stock images. You don’t have to use paid files, as many content marketplaces offer special collections where you’ll find free visuals to showcase your projects.

  • Advertising campaigns on social networks

Facebook and Instagram users are scrolling through ads quickly, there are only a few seconds to grab their attention. You must carefully study your advertising visuals to carry out your social media marketing campaigns. In creative content, palettes of colorswell-crafted compositions, plots and emotional narratives influence the conversion rate.

Stock image platforms allow browsing their galleries using advanced filters, so you can sort images by color and viewpoint, or select scene origin and location. With these possibilities, you can simplify your search for relevant advertising content and improve your ads.

  • Blog post illustrations

Companies use content marketing strategies to improve customer retention rates and attract new customers to their products or services. A blog post with a long text to read is not enough to entice users to stay on a site. You should therefore consider using images in your articles, to structure information and visualize narrative ideas. Image banks can provide you with images on all subjects to boost your marketing strategy.

What is the best stock photo site?

The Depositphotos Image Bank is one of the world’s largest multimedia content providers, offering users more than 230 million royalty-free images, videos and audio files. The expansive gallery offers themed photo collections and advanced search filters, allowing you to detect visuals that are perfect for your personal and commercial projects. You can sort files by type, date, orientation, contributor, color, origin, and location. Or try the image search tool to find similar licensed images if you already have a suitable photo.

To download royalty-free stock images from Depositphotos, opt for a low-cost subscription or on-demand plan. The platform offers favorable conditions for individuals and companies.

Depositphotos is one of the largest stock content platforms, providing users with over 230 million royalty-free images, videos and audio files. The library offers themed photo collections and advanced search filters, so you can find visuals that are perfect for your personal and commercial projects. You can sort files by type, date, orientation, contributor, color, origin, and location. Or, try the image search tool to find similar licensed images if you already have a suitable photo.

To download royalty-free photos from Depositphotos, sign up for a low-cost subscription or an on-demand plan. The platform offers favorable conditions for individuals and companies.

Additionally, Depositphotos offers a tool powered by theArtificial intelligenceavailable at, which automatically and accurately removes backgrounds from images. You can upload a file weighing up to 15 MB in the format JPG. AI-based algorithms will automatically recognize the main object and erase the background. Also, if you need to make any adjustments, you can use the Erase and Restore brushes for further editing. You don’t have to pay to use the tool and you can process an unlimited number of images.

When launching an activity, we don’t always have the time or the financial resources to organize photo shoots and find unique images. The solution lies with image banks, stock photo marketplaces that allow you to buy royalty-free photos once, and use them multiple times for various marketing and design projects. The Depositphotos Content Gallery offers flexible pricing plans and free files, so you can choose the best visuals possible.

Article produced in partnership with Depositphotos

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