Five teenagers are charged as suspects in the brutal taxi murder

It was in April that the taxi driver was given a ride far out into the countryside, to a parking lot near a nature reserve in Enköping municipality, according to TV4 Nyheternas data. After that, the man, who is a native of Stockholm, disappeared without a trace.

A week later, at the end of March, the 26-year-old’s body was found hanging from a bird tower – something that prosecutors now confirm Uppsala New Newspaper.

On Monday morning, five teenagers – four brothers and a girl – are accused of the murder. The murder suspects are aged 15 and 18. The young people have been in custody since April and May respectively, suspected of the murder on probable grounds.

Two more people are charged with money laundering offenses and one person with abuse in legal proceedings.

Revenge motive

SVT reports that the murder is to be revenge for an alleged assault, that the girl accused of murder reported the taxi driver for rape a month before he was found hanged. SVT further writes that the police put the report aside – and that the girl was only heard about it when she was suspected of murder.

– In questioning her, we find that the person she has reported is the murdered man, and then the investigation was closed, says prosecutor Moa Blomqvist, to the channel.

The police claim that the report was “very vague” and that it was prioritized down as Uppsala has a large number of cases, writes SVT.
