Five Homemade Tricks to Say Goodbye to Dark Circles Without Breaking the Bank

Five Homemade Tricks to Say Goodbye to Dark Circles Without

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    Do you tend to have very pronounced dark circles, even if you don’t particularly lack sleep? Here are five home tips shared by an expert, to lighten them without breaking the bank.

    Some people have naturally pronounced dark circles. This makes them look tired even when they are not. To combat this “panda eyes” look, there are home remedies that can be applied without moderation and without breaking the bank! Dr. Dimple Jangda shares them in an article for NDTV. Here they are.

    The potato

    Potatoes are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. By applying them to your facial skin, especially around your eyes, they provide many nutrients to this fragile area of ​​skin. To do this, the expert recommends grating a white potato and filtering its juice before applying it around your eyes, in order to reduce inflammation and therefore reduce dark circles.

    Aloe vera

    Aloe vera is a plant widely used in cosmetics. It also helps reduce pigmentation around your eyes, by hydrating the area around the eyes and making it more supple and less prone to inflammation.

    So, you can gently massage the dark circles with aloe vera, without applying too much pressure. Dr. Jangda also suggests mixing aloe vera juice with other ingredients like lemon juice, honey, orrose water to make the process even more efficient.

    Sweet almond oil

    Sweet almond oil is often thought of as a moisturizer for skin or hair. It can also help reduce dark circles. Sweet almond oil is rich in vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus, and antioxidants. According to the expert, it is also an excellent emollient that helps keep the delicate skin around the eyes hydrated.

    Take a drop of almond oil and gently massage it under your eyes to improve blood flow to the skin’s surface. And for more effectiveness, you can also mix almond oil with a little honey.


    Saffron isn’t just a spice, it also has a place in your bathroom. According to the expert, you can reduce dark circles by soaking 2 to 3 strands of saffron in cold milk and applying them around your eyes with a cotton ball. Rich in antioxidants and flavonoids, saffron will help brighten the skin around your eyes and reduce the appearance of your dark circles.

    Green tea bags

    Finally, don’t throw away your used green tea bags after you’ve used them. Why? Because green tea contains phenolic compounds that are good for your skin. Chill your used tea bags overnight and apply them under your eyes to reduce the appearance of your dark circles in the morning. The caffeine in the tea bag can help constrict your blood vessels and improve blood flow to the area, helping to reduce your dark circles.
