Five generations gathered at Louie’s baptism

Five generations gathered at Louies baptism
Grandma’s Grandma Inger, 84: It was very cozy

“Brother Louie” was played at the highest volume in the car over and over again.

Now Jonna Aronsson, 22, has named her six-month-old baby after it.

There were three more generations in the family in place.

The weather did not turn out for the best on the west coast, sun and clouds every now and then. But in Lindberg’s church in Varberg from 1853, the family packed up. A total of five generations in two stages.

There were Louis’ grandmother’s grandmother Inger Dahlgren, 84, grandmother’s mother Lise-Lott Gavik, 64, grandmother Josefin Ottarsgård, 42 and mother Jonna, 22. In addition, grandmother’s father Bernt-Inge Aronsson, 67, and grandmother’s grandmother Solveig Karlsson, 90.

– It was very cozy, it was a nice priest too. It is not a given to be at your great-great-grandchild’s baptism, says Inger Dahlgren.

The main character did not make a sound when the priest Niklas Strandberg soaked Louis Jörgen Ekvall Ottarsgård’s head.

– No, then he fell asleep after he had been dipped in the baptismal font. Then he was done, that was the main thing, says mother Jonna.

Named after the 80’s song

After the baptism, there was a tie party in the parish home.

– There are so many who have different allergies, now they could bring their favorite coffee, says Jonna.

Are you willing to stand up as a babysitter now or have you done yours, Inger?
– No, it’s a bit long. We live in Tjörn. But my daughter is happy to volunteer as a babysitter – and there are several who do.

The name then? It’s after Modern Talking’s old 80’s song.
– It is from our sound car, a Volkswagen Golf 4 – my partner Pontus Jalris Ekvall has a great interest in cars – but the car has an extremely loud sound so in it we have played a remix of “Brother Louie” at the highest volume to overpower the engine sound.

Does Louie like the song?
– Yes, he recognizes it. He begs it, says Jonna and laughs.
