Five died in a shooting near Tel Aviv in Israel

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On Sunday, two Israeli police officers were killed in an attack that Isis said he was behind. There have been several acts of violence in Israel in recent days.

Riikka Kajander,


In Israel, five people have died in the shooting near Tel Aviv, rescue personnel say.

The shooting took place at at least two different locations in the town of Bnei Brak. Police say it is possible the suspected shooter is one of the dead, news agencies say.

The majority of the inhabitants of Bnei Brak are ultra-Orthodox Jews.

Similar acts of violence have taken place in Israel in recent days. Last week, four people were killed in a stab in the town of Beersheba. At that time, a passerby shot the attacker.

Last Sunday, at an Israeli-Arab summit, the assailant shot two police officers. The extremist organization Isis said it was behind the attack on the town of Hadera in the north of the country. According to Israeli police, two assailants were killed at the scene.

It was the first Isis attack on Israel since 2017. Hamas, the Islamist organization that rules Gaza, hailed the attack as a “natural reaction” to Israel’s “crimes” against the Palestinians.

The attack took place at the same time as the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken as well as the foreign ministers of Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Morocco, who have recently established diplomatic relations with Israel, received a high-profile visit to Israel.

Israeli authorities had warned of an increase in attacks before April, Reuters reports.

Next Saturday begins the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which ends in early May. During Ramadan, violence has increased in Israel in the past.
