Five board games to slide under the tree

Five board games to slide under the tree

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    Are you looking for a gift that is both fun and engaging to hit the mark with your sister-in-law, your cousin or your office colleague whose name you took from Secret Santa? What if you opted for a board game that advocates ecological, feminist and/or solidarity values? Whatever the fight dear to the person to whom you are offering it, you may find inspiration with this selection!

    8 families today

    Over the last decade, in the movement towards marriage for all, the diversity of family models has started to become more visible within society… including in entertainment media. The traditional game of 7 families has naturally not escaped this transformation: it is no longer rare to find same-sex or single-parent families represented on the cards. With “8 families today”, the distributor Jeux FK pushed the climax to the limit by including not seven, but eight families: one with two dads, another with two mothers, one with twins and triplets, one adoptive, one single parent, one with a woman in transition already a father of three children, two other families just recomposed, as well as seven blank cards to draw or complete your own family!

    Save your planet

    Because ecology is a serious matter that requires collective involvement, the board game “Save your planet” is above all a family game, accessible from the age of eight. The nature of the mission is indicated in the name of the game: save the planet. But the way to achieve this will be different depending on the players, who each draw a card at the start. Throughout the game, they will then have to draw, install renewable energies to replace fossil fuels with tokens or even answer questions about biodiversity, the climate or the environment. In this game, nothing is left to chance: it’s all about strategy!

    Bad Bitches- Queer Icons

    A Time’s up exclusively based on queer icons. Here is what the new edition of the game “Bad Bitches Only” offers, designed by Inès Slim and launched in 2019 with the publishing house Gender Games. The principle is simple: teams must be guessed (as quickly as possible and within a given time) with words, then mimes, the names of 80 LGBTQIAP+ personalities. Marsha P. Johnson (Stonewall riot activist), Willy and Tara (fictional couple in the series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”), Tegan and Sara (Canadian pop-rock group from the 90s) are notably part of the selection. The game also includes a “Bad Dico”, which allows you to familiarize yourself with all the personalities presented on the cards.

    Who is she ?

    We all know the famous game “Who is it?”. But instead of relying on physical and basic descriptions of illustrious strangers, why not devote this fun medium to the celebration or discovery of great women who, although they have marked history, have been invisible in the works ? It’s the idea of ​​Polish Zuzia Kozerska-Girard, creator of the game Who’s She (2018), which puts great women in the spotlight, whether they are artists, politicians, athletes or scientists. A new version of this “Who is it?” feminist campaign has just been the subject of a (successful) crowdfunding campaign on Ulule. Entitled “Who is she?”, the game is exclusively devoted to French women, whose portraits were created in watercolor by Polish illustrator Daria Golab.

    45 euros (cardboard game) – 70 euros (wooden game)

    Blood Heroes

    Donating blood helps save thousands of lives each year… But in France, donors are still too rare and hospital reserves are regularly running out. To raise public awareness of the importance of donating blood, Boris Tchorbadjian had the idea of ​​creating the board game “Blood Heroes“. Accessible from the age of ten, this board game invites all players to donate blood (in different ways) before the reserves of plasma, platelets and red blood cells run out. Each player begins a game by drawing a character card whose capacity in red blood cells, platelets and plasma is closely linked to his blood group and all the squares on the board symbolize a year. This game is collaborative: we each take turns, but the decisions are made together (everyone loses or everyone wins).

    25 euros
